Our Real Estate Surveys
Check out our list of surveys below. We appreciate any time spent completing them as we use this information for a better understanding of the current market, ways we can improve, & for marketing efforts (anonymous data).
Selling a Home?
Tell Us More!

We'd love your feedback. We created this questionnaire to gather more information for an analysis of your home or to prepare the For Sale Listing. We will be in contact shortly after reviewing your submission to review.You can always Schedule a Consultation with Doug when you are ready.
Rental Business Survey

We'd love your feedback. We created this survey to hear about what's important to you in your rental business. Contact Us for more specific information on the Investment Property Market or request a free Investment Property Market Analysis today!
Agent Feedback Survey

We'd love your feedback. We created this survey to hear how we can improve our service to our clients & ensure we provided high-quality service to you. As always, we'll stay in touch and keep you posted on these survey results and other news. Questions? Contact Us at any time!
Home Buying Journey

We'd love your feedback. We created this survey to gather more information for your Home Buying needs & how we can help. We will be in contact shortly after reviewing your submission to review your details.
You can always Schedule a Consultation with Doug Today!